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Southern Hospitality Ch. 04

Then there was Laura. Laura oozed sexuality, every movement, every action laced with an ingrained passion and desire, pure confidence and lust. Her maturity only serving to add to her, her figure no less attractive for it, her experience alluring.
He wanted them both, but to add a layer of complexity he'd never thought he would experience, they both wanted him too.
Laura may have guided him into Amy's company, but he knew if he spurned her and burned that bridge Laura would take him back without a moment's hesitation.
"Uughhh..." he said out loud, leaning back in his chair and staring at the ceiling. Before when he had been unsure about Laura he had had her confidence to guide him, now she was taking a sideline.
So engrossed in his own thoughts he didn't hear the knock at his door, it was only when light spilt in from the hallway, his door open a crack that he looked towards the door, surprised.
"I'm not disturbing anything am I?" his mom asked, peering cautiously around the corner.
Paranoid, Ash glanced towards his screen, while he knew it didn't have anything illicit on it, it was second nature at this point, "Er, no?"
She nodded some and smiled sweetly, "Are you okay?"
"What? Sure? Of course I am."
She eyed him for a moment, her smile turning into a little bit of a smirk, "You can't hide anything from me you know, I'm your mom... I know all."
He snorted a little, wondering what she thought she knew, "It's nothing, really."
"Doesn't seem like nothing..." she lured.
He sighed, "I'm just... Stuck between two options. I want both options but I can't have both. I have to pick."
"Ahhh I see..." she responded knowingly, "And these two options. Are they like, a decision that would affect your day? Your week? Your year? Your life?"
He shrugged a little, "Maybe a week, maybe my life, I don't know."
She nodded slightly, folding her arms under her bust and smiling, recognizing more of her own features in his familiar face than any of his absent fathers, "So, it could affect your whole life."

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