Free Stories

Chat With Shemale In Sweet Disbelief
I was getting ready for another boring online conference meeting. The same dreadful subject was on the table, for the tenth time in a row - Claus from Switzerland, cute Leela from India and me were appointed to organize an international symposium on food safety standards. At that point, I wasn't awa... Read full Story
Caught wearing my mother's stockings
For as long as I can remember I've been obsessed with my mother's legs. My very first wank was brought on by the sight of her curvaceous stockinged legs in high heels. She also liked to wear knee high black leather boots which would send me into a frenzy. I once saw walked past her room while she wa... Read full Story
A Fulfilling Life Part 1
Sophia Sappho, a beautiful society woman of 37 years, is having a few girlfriends over for cocktails one evening. Unbeknownst to her friends the hostess has a male washroom attendant available in the powder room. The first guest retires to the powder room a little urgently. Frantically she lifts ... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 11
Darkness had fallen upon the demon world. In the intermittent flashes of lightning that resulted from Willow's weather spell, the landscape was illuminated, and the horrible phallus-plants were revealed, writhing and thrashing. The cock-stalks within Buffy's mouth, cunt, and ass, and the hollow tubu... Read full Story
Caught Out In Lingerie
I had only just started my new job in a big new department store. I had forwarded my CV almost as soon as the foundations were poured, and I watched as the big new building took shape. It was to be the biggest and most modern store in the county where I lived, and I was determined that I was go... Read full Story
An Appreciation Part 2
Similarities may be overlooked, but differences demand explanation. In a patriarchal society, wherein men rule, it is men who must explain women, not women who must explain men, and, since men regard themselves as normative, women are considered to be aberrational. In the Western world, until about ... Read full Story
Modified Covers
As a hobby, some artists enjoy modifying vintage magazine covers so that their original topics are transformed into transgender themes and shemale models replace the female faces and figures that originally graced the periodicals' covers. In the process, the titles of the magazines are sometimes cha... Read full Story
Girl With A Dick Part 1
Randy walked around the party, she didn't yet know what she was looking for, but she would as soon as she saw it. As usual when she went to parties, she was dressed as a man. Her fairly ample breasts were flattened with a special corset, and she already had her strap-on on and ready. Wearing loose j... Read full Story
Man or Mandy?
I had just ridden into town on my Harley to enjoy the local motorcycle rally. I checked in at the hotel, tossed my gear into my room, then jumped back on my bike and headed into town. I rode around a long lazy curve and saw a car on the opposite side with its hood up, and a beautiful round ass, b... Read full Story
The Boy and the Fairy
Local folktales warned of Fairies, but such stories were long ignored or thought of as just a source of amusement. It was after all the twenty first century, mythological creatures were almost entirely forgotten in Dagsdown. But that didn't make them any less real. Since the age of five, Gregory ... Read full Story
Real event, OMG shemale and another surprise
This is a true event, a lil back history, for about 3 yrs ive become fascinated by shemales, no porn will do without a shemale cock, i dont see myself as gay but i do wonder that if i like penis there must be some gay in me, but i do not like men at all. Now regular porn just does not do it for me a... Read full Story
Trio Lust
My girlfriend at the time Cheryl and I had been on a two week vacation and were traveling through a mid-western state,it was early afternoon and we needed to refill our gas so we pulled into a large travel plaza just off the interstate.As I headed in to pay for the gas I spotted a pretty petite girl... Read full Story
Becoming Her Whore
"I know," my wife Casey said softly as her hands caressed my naked body beneath the covers of our king sized bed. "You know what?" I asked. I didn't know what game we were playing but I was ready to fuck. "I know what you look at on the computer and what you fantasize ... Read full Story
Picture Perfect
“What do you mean, you won’t? Carlos demanded, squinting into the sun. “Just what I said, I replied. Carlos was a gorgeous guy, with dark, wavy hair; a deep, tropical tan; even teeth, as white Chicklets; broad shoulders; a deep chest; a flat, firm belly; strong arms and legs;... Read full Story
Pornographer's Helper
I have a hunger for shemales. I had always just satisfied this by staring at images, in magazines or on web sites, trying to imagine what being with one in the flesh would be like while earnestly masturbating. One day I decided to try to do better. I had no idea where to find a live shemale, b... Read full Story
The Ultimate Cock Ball Torture
I miss my cock. Sometimes. I had one once - one of my very own, connected right to me - but now it's gone. Never thought I would miss it. I'm sure you've guessed by now that I am a full transexual. I had the boob job and started hormone treatment years ago and felt much better as a shemale th... Read full Story
She took her licks getting there,now she loves to do the licking
I miss my cock. Sometimes. I had one once - one of my very own, connected right to me - but now it's gone. Never thought I would miss it. I'm sure you've guessed by now that I am a full transexual. I had the boob job and started hormone treatment years ago and felt much better as a shemale than a... Read full Story
Playing it straight
I had exchanged emails and photos with Jennifer. She quickly answered the door and I noticed her plus size shape peeking through a sexy black teddy as she guided me in the room. As I stepped in the suite I saw the focus of my attention, Alexia. She was sitting on the hotel couch I was floored by her... Read full Story
Singapore tranny sex
My ship was dry-docked in Singapore for 3 weeks, n i was lucky enough to meet a gr8 girl first nite ashore, Lin, half chinese/ half malay, n fucking sexy. I slept at her flat most nites and the sex was awsome. She shared with a girl called Meena, a hostess on Singapore Airlines, but until this speci... Read full Story
Masturbating on the Airplane... Sort of
I was on my way back from Boston after a torrid night of partying. I was tired and it was early in the morning; I really felt like I had JUST gone to sleep when the alarm went off to go to the airport. I threw on a long t-shirt, black panties and leggings, my boots, and a red pull over, since it ... Read full Story
Cincinnati Apocalypse Part 6
Faith felt no sensation in her artificial penis, for it lacked nerves and could feel nothing. She felt deprived. In playing the male, she'd like to feel what a man felt, not merely a simulation or a facsimile of what he felt. She wanted to feel the actual feelings themselves. Instead, her cock-that-... Read full Story
Mel and me in rochester!
The musical orchestra Mel and i are in had a performance in Rochester ,New York and i needed someone to share a room with at hotel. Mel was the first person who came to mind,and since blowing him last time i thought i would ask him. Mel told me his wife wouldn"t be going and he would love to sh... Read full Story
Jennifer & Alexia
I had exchanged emails and photos with Jennifer. She quickly answered the door and I noticed her plus size shape peeking through a sexy black teddy as she guided me in the room. As I stepped in the suite I saw the focus of my attention, Alexia. She was sitting on the hotel couch I was floored by her... Read full Story
Came to play Part 2
I must have dozed off, when I came to I was being felt on by the janitor who I knew well, he seemed to really enjoy what had taken place, infact I dare say he has quite the soft spot for girls like me... Well anyway we chatted to ease the tension from me and we both finally got interested in fun tim... Read full Story
The sexst next door
One night I was watching tv and then I herd a noise from Ravens house she a gothic lady with a big huge round soft ass and thin stumick and big round tits and long blue hair she always weres a short skirt and thongs and she as black gogo boots and a leather jaket with black butten up shirt under net... Read full Story
Samantha Johnson, the new hire, was exquisitely beautiful. James Mann thought her the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. He'd love to ask her out, but her good looks were somehow intimidating. He feared she'd reject him. If she did, he'd feel mortified. It was better, he told himself, to fantasize a... Read full Story
How I Learned To Love Drag Part 4
It had been a long day of working. From a morning script writing session for our version of the Survivor reality show to the afternoon in makeup and then shooting the pajama party skit, I had certainly earned my keep. As I sat in the dressing room, May Cheung came over to give me a hand. Dress... Read full Story
How I Learned To Love Drag Part 14
I am standing in front of a full-length mirror in the bedroom. The blonde curls cascade over a lovely visage. My clear blue eyes are my best feature. My high cheekbones, flawless complexion and inviting, kissable lips are a narcissist's dream. I am wearing a 'little black dress.' With a plungi... Read full Story
Worshipping Carla's Cock
I am a closeted bisexual. I have been since I was an adolescent. These days I have a secret regular lision with a south american transexual who is 20 years younger than I am. When we date, she dresses in full feminine attire, a black minidress, silk stockings with a suspender belt, and heels. ... Read full Story
The Pickup
Jerry asked, "Are you sure this is what you want?" Daughter said, "We have to expand our horizons." Wife said,"And they both need to be really good looking." Jerry went off in a cab to a downtown area where he knew there were some bars. It had been several years si... Read full Story
TG-Another Night
After I had entertained the ten men in the back room Lisa decided to take me home to show me my new accommodations. But first she said we had to stop by my old house to get what few things I would need in my new life. Lisa let me put on my old clothes and we left the bar and got into her van. ... Read full Story
Hidden Desires
As you walk into the room, I sneak up behind you, and put my hands gently over your mouth. As you start to panic, I whisper into your ear. “Don’t be afraid. Just do exactly as I say, exactly how I say. Do you understand?” I can feel the smile begin under my hand as you nod yo... Read full Story
Monsters that crave sex
There wans was a mad docter named hojo who studded how monsters get there mana back when it is used up or even if they even run out like humons do wan day he was working on some experaments to make humens be able to have ever lasting mana with out rest or food so they would never run out and need to... Read full Story
Becoming a Sissy Slave
He gave me the choice. He had programmed me for a week and knew which way I would probably choose, but he gave me the choice. I could get out. Or I could continue. It was up to me. On my knees or out the door. It was that easy. Now I had to choose. I guess I should backtrack, first. You ... Read full Story
Why did I settle for that?
Just made it back from Miami, was a great visit, but it could have ended after the first night, and that would have been alright. Hated the dirnking and the smoke, but did meet another lovely tranny who did give me the tour and the break from this horrid northern weather. Although the sex with he... Read full Story
A Job in the Theatre Chapter 15
Making Gary my bitch Paula got to the theatre early Thursday and got dressed and did her makeup. There was still at least an hour before the curtain went up. She knew Gary would be waiting for her in his dressing room. She knew his cock would be hard too. She could just imagine the thoughts going... Read full Story
A Job in the Theatre Chapter 20
"Be careful Rex," Ted pleaded. He was tied to the four corners of his bed with a pillow shoved under his ass. He felt completely helpless. It was a feeling that he was not used to. He was always in control, had everything worked out. Not this time. He barely knew Rex. The one thing he did ... Read full Story
Hidden Desire
As you walk into the room, I sneak up behind you, and put my hands gently over your mouth. As you start to panic, I whisper into your ear. “Don’t be afraid. Just do exactly as I say, exactly how I say. Do you understand?” I can feel the smile begin under my hand as you nod yo... Read full Story
Tits and Cock
I had always wanted to fuck a shemale. The idea of a hot chick with a huge thick cock really turned me on. I called an escort service and asked for a lady with something extra. About and hour and a half later my doorbell rang. I open the door and there stood a tall curvy beauty, must have been six f... Read full Story
Cast a Sexy Spell
I love my body. From my long red hair that drapes over my shoulders to my firm breasts to my slender arms, legs to my round ass. Most of all I love my cock. Yes, I have a cock. It swings between my legs at around 5 inches when not in use and stands proudly at eight and a half when hard. And when I'm... Read full Story
A New Experience
I had been sat in the hotel lobby for a couple of hours, bored, just watching people come and go. I hated these business trips. There I was in a strange city, knowing nobody, hanging around waiting for business meetings. Out of all the people I had seen there were such a variety of people. Pensioner... Read full Story
The Ebony TS of my dreams
This story is about one of the most memorable piece of cocks I've ever experienced in my 30 plus years of getting fucking. I just thought I'd write it down and share it simply because I'll never forget it and because I'm a married man and it most likely will never happen again. It happened about ... Read full Story
Weakened and Taken
It started simply enough. I see an attractive woman at the hotel bar and offer her a drink. She accepts and we converse. Soon, we are laughing and joking like intimate friends. She recommends that we take the conversation and drinks to her room, and I agree. I allow her to walk ahead, not only to le... Read full Story
Mature crossdresser & 18 year old Part 2
After we sat on the couch a few minutes kissing he whispered in my ear he wanted try licking my boy pussy.I said yes an postion myself so he could, for a boy that never done anything sexual before he speard my cheecks and started to lick and kiss my hole.Then he buried his face and tongue deep in my... Read full Story
A New Life Part 2
The next few days I spent packing and repacking. I would need to watch what I packed as I was taking a plain to meet Sara and Tom. Most if not all my toys would either need to be mailed or stay behind. I had packed five suit cases all of them filled with female clothing and shoes. My carry on was pa... Read full Story
Alabama Nan: Behind A Closed Doors
"How's Chinese?" I asked Karen. "That's fine Nan. Is this a real fancy place or what?" responded Karen from the bathroom. "It's your regular Mom and Pop, type restaurant. I'm going to dress casual." "Sounds fine by me?" said Karen. My stomach growl... Read full Story
The Ultimate Cock Ball Torture
I miss my cock. Sometimes. I had one once - one of my very own, connected right to me - but now it's gone. Never thought I would miss it. I'm sure you've guessed by now that I am a full transexual. I had the boob job and started hormone treatment years ago and felt much better as a shemale th... Read full Story
It was freshman year of college. The college had just started a new coed dorm which I signed up for. On the first day, I was excited to see who my roommate was. I was sitting on my bed reading a book, and I heard the doornob turn. It was my roommate. She was medium height, dark skinned, red hair, sh... Read full Story
Exotic Escapades Chapter 1
"You're an interestin' one," the guard said, leading Tammy down the corridors of the prison complex. "So what you mixed with?" "Blasian," Tammy replied, almost in a mumble. "Well I'll be," the guard smiled. "Niggasian?" He stopped Tammy and ... Read full Story
The new girl in town
It all started when i was a teenager. I was like every teenage boy, i looked at porn on the internet and masturbated a lot. i love to watch lesbian porn it was sooo hot watching to girl have sex. i soon after that i got into the anal sex, watching the girl have orgasm after orgasm while she has a hu... Read full Story
A life Changing Experience
My sophomore year I began dating this girl named Jan. Jan was blonde, slender, and absolutely gorgeous. She lived in this two bedroom apartment with her roommate Samantha. Sam, as she liked to be called, was a redhead, with dark green eyes and a nice chest. While not as beautiful as Jan she was stil... Read full Story
A Day to Forget
Interested in only a quick and uncomplicated fuck, I found my way to the bed and began to undress unceremoniously when her thick alto voice reminded me to shower. Not wanting to offend my guest, I allowed individual respect to overcome personal desires, and shuffled my naked corpse onto the cold til... Read full Story
Bar Babes
Bar babes are the hottest chicks out there. They all get themselves dolled up and smelling good. Showing lots of leg, hanging their boobs out, or showing almost everything leaving very little to the imagination. And talk about easy! Damn, I get sucked off at least 5 times a week just from the phone ... Read full Story
My New Girlfriend Turns Out to Be a Shemale
Where do I start? How about at the beginning. My name is Cal I am divorced and living alone. I am not a bad catch I am five foot eleven, short black hair, green eyes and no visible scars. I am a regular at the gym so I am in shape but not ripped. A seven inch uncut cock that I can use well. I dress... Read full Story
Dr. Visit.
I turned 50 and the Dr. called and said I needed to make an appointment for my birthday physical. Well my birthday fell on a Friday and my appointment was the doctors last one of the day. I was sitting in the waiting room and saw all the employees left the office. I asked the last one exiting if I ... Read full Story
Olderman and mature crossdresser Part 1
It was just a normal friday day so I went to the store to buy some food for the week.I wore a jean mini skirt and pink t-shirt and tan pantyhose with my 3"heels and make up and all. As I made my way down thru the ailse I notice a older tall gray haired slim man following me.Well I gave him a c... Read full Story