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A Day to Forget

Interested in only a quick and uncomplicated fuck, I found my way to the bed and began to undress unceremoniously when her thick alto voice reminded me to shower. Not wanting to offend my guest, I allowed individual respect to overcome personal desires, and shuffled my naked corpse onto the cold tiles for a rendezvous with a foreign shower. The steaming spray only aided to relax me further whereas by the time I secured the artificial rain, I was anything but awake. She entered unsolicited, dressed in only the briefest of lacy attire, and lovingly dried my exhausted body, paying special attention to my dangling genitals and my ass. Her touch was soothing, and I soon found my erotic interests awakening.

Leading me from the water closet with a gentle tug at my stiffening cock, she led me onto the bed where the covers had been turned down in such a way to insure minimum exposure to the cool air. Her hands were all over me, soothing my chest and tummy, and finally, with sensual assurance, on my awakening genitals. She knew how to caress the hardening gristle with the finesse of a skilled lover; teasing and tugging at the ridges and recesses with loving attention to detail. Soon my erection took on a mind of it's own and began probing her gentle caresses for ever increasing stimulation. She giggled and smirked as she released the throbbing appendage and trailed her hand between my legs to gently encircle my ass hole. At first repulsed by the invasion, I began to relax and allow my guest to complete the sensual work she had so seductively begun.

Somewhere in the back of my lust filled mind, a strange feeling of foreboding began to overwhelm my desires as her caresses became more forceful and her index finger began to probe the resolve of my sphincter. I tried to turn towards her, cutting off her approach, but she forcefully maneuvered my body into a more receptive position with my butt in the air and my head buried under a pillow. I felt as if I would puke at any moment when the cool sensation of a well lubed finger invaded the final vestiges of my sphincter and probed the murky tunnel for my swollen prostrate.

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