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Young Sissy Chapter 1

I scanned the room for Contessa or Lola, not sure if I wanted to find them or not, but apparently their Masters had need of their services as they were no where to be seen. So there I stood, shivering and alone in the encroaching dark, looking over long rows of empty beds, feeling more alone than I ever had before. That is, until I saw Isabella laying in the far corner of the room.

I don't know what possessed me to cross over to her. I certainly didn't expect to be received with open arms. She had made it abundantly, agonizingly clear that she wanted nothing to do with me. But after all the changes I woke up to, all the horrors of the day, and the specter of tomorrow's trials looming over me, I didn't know where else to turn. So before I knew it, I was kneeling at her bed, not daring to speak, just staring longingly at her, hoping she wouldn't notice me so that I could just be close to her a little while longer. When she finally turned around, I was shocked by what I saw...

A look of genuine concern weighed heavily on her flawless face, giving a fetching furrow to her brow. I'd seen madness and malice today, enough mindless passion and poisonous mirth, enough broken psyches and beautiful facades...but this was the first unquestionably genuine emotion I'd seen since I woke up in this waking wet nightmare. I don't know if she felt sorry for me or for what she saw of herself in me. I don't know if she felt guilty or empathy. All I know is that for a moment she revealed a secret side of her I doubted anyone had seen for a long time, and she reminded me that whatever else I was now, I was still a human being too. And just like that, I felt stupid enough to hope again. And for once, my hope was rewarded, even if only for a fleeting moment. She beckoned me into her bed, saying, "If you tell anyone about this, I'll make you suffer in ways you won't be able to imagine for months yet. And don't get any ideas...I'm only doing this because I feel a smidgen responsible for your situation, and only for tonight. Understand?"

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