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Kidnapped (Adult Fiction)

I don't know how long I'd been in the room. It felt like weeks, but it was probably only days. The voice hadn’t come on since our last conversation, I felt isolated and it bothered me. I had watched some of the other channels on the TV. The sports stations just bothered me, the fashion stations became more and more interesting; especially as the only clothes I had access to were women’s garments. The makeup tutorials were entrancing to watch as the transformations were incredible. The music video channels were interesting. I’d watch the video’s with the dancers gyrating and moving with the beats. After the videos, an instructor came on and would teach the viewer some of the dance moves. As I was alone in the room and had nothing but time… I started using the full-length mirror to practice in front of. I felt that I’d actually started to get pretty good.
The food tubes came every couple of hours, and the taste wasn’t as bad as I’d initially thought. I became quite good at getting the gel out, If you rub the tube down toward your mouth, it’ll help move the gel forward and you suck on the end to pull it out. The clothes were no longer an issue. I mean, it’s not like anyone can see me. And the longer I wore them, I kind of felt nice. I’m not saying that I’d wear these out in town, but sometimes you just want to feel pretty.
The was a short burst of feedback followed by the voice as it came through the intercom. “How are you doing today?”
Not wasting any time, “Did my dad pay you back? Am I free to go?”
“Unfortunately not. I have not received any contact from your father yet. I have sent an additional representative to inform him that he needs to pay back his dues to have you come home.”
“He hasn’t responded?” I felt like crying.
“As I stated, he has not reached out to us yet. However, my call is to see how you are doing in the room we have you staying in.”
“My chest is sore,” I whined. “I don’t know why, but it feels tender.”
“That is actually normal. Changing diet so quickly and going on a tofu diet can affect the body. I’m sure that the pain will go away shortly. Is there anything else?”
“The food tubes are a little small, can I have bigger tubes or have them dropped off more often?”
“I will see what I can arrange.”
“Thank you!” I gushed.

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