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Caught Exploring

Sir: Perfect. Now when I say I want you to stand by the door, open the curtains, then attach the cuffs to your wrists behind your back. Any run the cuffs through the loop made by the leash. Mandy: Why the curtains, someone might look in. Sir: Excuse me? Mandy: Sorry Sir, but that scares me. Sir: Go stand there with your back to the wall and see if you're hidden. Do it and come back. Mandy: Well, standing against the wall I'd be out of view. But if I move I'd be in view. Sir: Yes, and think of the excitement it will add....Now pull the phone over next to where you'll stand Mandy: Okay, I'm ready

I move over to the door and stand with my back to the wall. To my left is the door and to my right is the window. The telephone is on the floor under the window. I take stock of the situation. I'm standing with my back to the wall dressed in a corset, stockings, panties, and high heels. I have on a wig and make-up. The outfit excites me and my hard 6" cock is sticking out of the panties like a strap-on. My legs are held spread open a foot and a half by a spreader bar strapped to my ankles. My red lips are parted wide as my mouth is held open by a ring gag.

I only have two tasks left to do. I reach to the side and pull open the curtains about ¾ open. This means as long as I stay where I am my erect cock will just be out of view. I grab the handcuffs and close them on one wrist, then I reach behind me and finger the handcuffs through the leash loop. It takes a few tries but I get my free hand to the cuffs and I'm ready to close them. I pause and think, do I want to do this? I take a deep breath, knowing I want to feel the helpless sensation. I close the cuff on my wrist.

I pull at the cuffs. My hands are folded behind me. The leash loop keeps them up above my ass. Pulling my hands down tugs at my neck. I sensation passes through me as I realize my helpless state. Wow, if someone was here I cannot do a thing to prevent being used.

I freeze as I see a quick blur in front of me.

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