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Camming down the rabbit hole Ch6

It was very slimy and smooth, but had quite a neutral taste, I didn’t have a problem taking that at all, and continued stroking myself and grinding my ass on the plug, every few minutes I was rewarded with another long drip of precum, and the chat loved it. I could feel the beginnings of that tingle in the base of my cock. My balls ached to be relieved and I knew I didn’t have long before I was going to cum.

I had relaxed into the position a little and as another drip flowed down I tried to stretch up to meet it, I was definitely closer but still not near enough. By now I was desperate to cum and I just wanted to relieve the pressure. I began pumping the plug in and out, pushing it in and grinding it round in one motion, my other hand pumped my slippery dick right above my open mouth.

I didn’t have a choice about it being open, I was gasping for air as my body began to shake and convulse, it started out in the depths of my ass, radiating out to the bottom of my cock and balls, before rushing out the length of my rod and squirting out with incredible force. I moaned as the first jet hit the bullseye and shot right over my tongue, followed by I second, third and fourth in quick succession. I hadn’t intended for it to go right in, briefly closing my mouth I automatically swallowed as the hot liquid pooled in my throat. The next few jets splashed across my lips and face and needing another breath I opened once more to receive another 2 blasts directly to the back.

The orgasm eased a little but pulses and aftershocks continued, the odd drop spilling from the spent head of my cock onto my lips and face. Like a sugary doughnut that’s impossible to eat without licking our lips, I found myself running round and taking what I could into my mouth.

I don’t know what it was, whether the fruit cocktail or the supplements or maybe both, but it actually tasted OK. I’d never taken that much before and I really hadn’t meant to this time, but it was totally edible, I could taste the fruity sweetness with just a hint of salt. The texture wasn’t unpleasant either as I squeezed the last drip from my dick, I relaxed my legs down and sat up bringing the drip on my hand to my lips.

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