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Business Trip

He was sexy and appeared in good shape. Probably about 6'2" tall with dark brown hair, his dark eyes smoldered as he looked at me. He had a sexy masculine face and was very well dressed. I picked up the apple slice from my drink and began to rub it across my lips. Slowly pushing it past them before pulling it out, all the while staring at this Adonis.

He needed no further invitation as he picked up his drink and walked up to me asking if he could have a seat. I motioned for him to sit and continued to stare at him. He introduced himself as Chris and I told him I was Katie, we sat and talked for a good long while. It was not the typical dick sucking want to get into my dress after five minutes conversation. It was more like first date getting to know you. It was sweet and I liked it. As we talked he knew I was a cross dresser and while he had never been with one, he did admit he was curious. His naive nature was very attractive and very sexy. He bought me my drinks as we talked, his hand on my thigh touching my stockings and moving up and down. My stocking tops were exposed at this point but I didn't care. I was getting really excited. I laughed at his jokes and touched his chest as we continued our flirting. As time passed and I got more and drunk I excused myself to go to the "little girl's room."

I finished in the ladies room and was applying some more lipstick when the door opened up. It was Chris and he locked it behind him. Without talking Chris walked up to me a wrapped his strong arms around me. Pressing me against the counter he put his lips to mine and invaded my mouth with his tongue. The shy gentleman from the bar was transformed into a lust filled machine and I could not wait to reap the benefits. His hands roamed over my body as his tongue moved inside my mouth with his. My hands moved down to his pants and I began to unbuckle them and slide inside. I got my first feel of his hard cock and knew I had to have it inside of my mouth. Our kiss broke and we were both breathing heavy as I dropped to my knees. His cock was free and he stood before me staring down as I placed it to my lips. There was already a drop of pre-cum on the end and I rubbed it against me, tasting his manly fluid. His cock was incredible and very hard.

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