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Barbie Jo Adventures Part 6

I finished my third strong Caesar cocktail, and snorted some more lines of coke before heading out the door with Dallas. Harley followed, carrying my shopping bags of clothes that Dallas bought me the night before. Harley gave me a big hug and kissed me goodbye, saying he would call me later. As Dallas and I backed out of Harley's driveway, I waved bye to my new lover, hoping I would be in his huge arms again soon.

As we drove, Dallas poured on his charm, apologizing for the way he treated me the night before. He also talked about the website, and how he knew I would enjoy it, especially all the money I would make from it. When I asked him how much he was getting from it, he was evasive and didn't really give much of an answer. I assumed he was going to make more than I was.

"So where are we going?" I asked. "And don't say too many places to list; just tell me the first place."

"Someplace to eat; aren't you hungry after that fuck session?"

I wasn't hungry really, after the breakfast that Harley put on, and the coke taking my appetite away. We went into a fancy restaurant anyway, and I picked at a salad while consuming many Caesar cocktails that Dallas kept feeding me. Back in the car, Dallas gave me more coke to do, and handed me a small pink pill with the word "sex" on it.

"What's this?"

"Ecstasy, it makes you feel good, you'll like it," he said.

"I don't take things I don't know anything about."

"It's harmless, just gives you a happy feeling. You had it before, the first night I met you I put one in your drink. You didn't seem to mind it then, had a good time if I recall." He gave me an evil grin.

I was starting to feel pretty high from the Caesars, and coke; so my judgment was getting clouded. I willingly took the pill, and swallowed it. After all, something with "sex" printed on it couldn't be that bad, could it?

"That's my girl, drink lots of water; it tends to dry you out."

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