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Mei had a look of disappointment on her face and I asked what it was I had said that made her feel bad. She replied that she was just getting to know me, and here I was, moving on and leaving her behind. I assured her that that was not my intention and that I wished for her to join me on a wild adventure. We were on our way the village of Da Lat.

© 2019


by: dookiewin/fresh

CHAPTER 8: Road Kill

As our hired SUV wound its way out of the city, and the bustle of Saigon was left behind, we settled in for the ride. We had no itinerary or schedule to speak of. Just two lust crazed girls out to discover the countryside and our own sexuality. It was only a short time before we were traveling down a country road and chatting away like mad. We told each other about our families, our school days and of course our first loves. Some things aren’t that different, no matter where a girl is from. Both of us felt our parents were over protective, both of us longed for the “irresponsibility” of high school, and both of us laughed at the inadequate advances of teenage boys.

Mei was particularly interested in my American boyfriends. She was so curious about the sexual habits of the American male, and kept asking me if they really do have much larger cocks than Asians. I assured her that many European men do, and that it does make a difference. We both had a good laugh when I told her that there is nothing that compares to a really good stuffing by a cock of suitable proportions. Just thinking about all that friction and heat, started to make my pussy itchy and wet.

We had been traveling along a deserted stretch of road when all of a sudden one of the tires went flat. Pulling over to the side, under some trees, I parked the disabled vehicle. We both got out and went to survey the damage. As we were rummaging in the back for tools to change the flat tire with I heard the sound of a vehicle approaching. To our amazement it was a US Army Hummer with four American service men inside. Mei said they are most probably part of the US contingent that has been in the area uncovering old crash sites; still investigating the remains of American casualties left behind after the war.

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