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Baby Face Jack's Biggest Fight

"Lanny, I am sorry to have to make you put up with a family discussion like this but I need to get some things straight in my mind. I love my Sandy with all my heart but I know we no longer satisfy each other completely any more. I need some guidelines to live by."

Sandy looked at Jackie, "What if we can't agree on how we will live?"

Jackie said, "I guess the least restrictive choice is number three, so if we do not agree, number three will be the default choice."

Sandy stared at Jackie, then, "How long do I have to make a choice?"

"How long do you need?"

"I can tell you right now I will never agree to number three. I will accept whichever of the other plans you want."

"Let me make something clear before you make a choice, we are not obligated in any way to have sex at any time with anyone other than our spouse. If you do not want to have sex with someone you can say NO. No is all that has to be said, no arguments needed, no means no, and no is our magic word."
Sandy looked at Jackie for several moments then she softly said, "I like the way things have been since you got home. I love the closeness between us, I will agree to nothing that jeopardizes that closeness. I love it when we talk together and decide what we are going to do. I want us to grow even closer. I loved watching you enjoy Lanny's cock inside you. I know you loved it, but I know you are afraid one of us will like it too much. I do not think that will ever happen, I know you might get carried away for a second but it is never very long before you think of how what you do effects me and the kids. You have been that way all your life and I know you will never change. I am so positive about that because I am the same way about you. I can assure you that I will never say or do anything I would not do do or say in front of you. I think that total and complete honesty between the two of is the answer." Sandy smiled at Jackie, she rose and walked over and sat next to Lanny on the bed. "Honey, let me think for a while. Lanny's beautiful cock is just hanging there not doing a thing, You need to try him again, Dear."

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