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Ass Training Fun

Honestly it was every night, I was insatiable. I would dress up very carefully before bed time, just so I was enjoying maximum girlyness! Then I would slowly strip myself naked, climb into bed then make love to myself with my own personal porn star. I could shag it as vigorously as my hand could manage. It was just soooo amazing and never failed to make me weak at the knees. My orgasms were so extraordinary. And my ass slackened up considerably – it was getting well trained!

The thing is that afterwards you've stretched your hole so much, that when you walk you can feel your ass lips rubbing together. I got a mirror and felt amazed that my ass had acquired pussy lips. It's really an amazing luxuriant feeling that makes me feel very very slutty. Bit like saying, hmmmm that was nice, now who's next?

The after sex feeling is very very satisfying and warm. I know its no substitute for a real cock, but I hope some day to pluck the courage up. Will it be you?

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