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Amy's Surprise 2: Enter Karissa

As I was thinking about Karissa's body and imagining what she would look like under her clothes Amy spoke up, You know, I'm sure that if I was given a few minutes I could convince Karissa to join us. Just as I was about to tell her how much I would love that, Brian let out a loud groan, he had obviously climaxed as well. Okay, if you want her to, you'll have to give me some time to talk to her. She never lets guys stay for very long after they finish, so you go and take a shower in my bathroom, and I'll go upstairs and talk to her and make sure Brian leaves. Make sure you're in there for at least 20 minutes okay? I was going to say 'alright' but before I could she hopped up and headed toward the staircase. Amy looked back and said, Hurry up, then quickly went upstairs. As she went I watched her tits and cock bounce. When she was out of sight I leapt to my feet and hurried to her shower.

As I was showering I made sure to clean my dick and ensured that my sphincter was clean. Tonight I could have Karissa's butt-plug or even Amy's dick in it, and I wanted to be ready. I periodically poked my head out from behind the shower curtain to glance at the clock. After 20 minutes had passed I got out and dried off quickly. I put the towel around my waist and stepped from the bathroom. I walked through Amy's room and into the living room. I expected to see Amy and Karissa fucking on the floor, but to my surprise, I saw only Amy, sitting alone on the couch watching TV. I looked out the window and saw Brian's car was still there. Oh well, I thought to myself, Hell, I got Amy, I guess wanting Karissa too was selfish. I can still fuck Ames, and maybe she will fuck me too. I had desperately wanted to fuck Karissa though. I sat behind her in U.S. History, and I fantasized about her almost daily. I had had a crush on her for years after I met her. From 7th to 10th grade she was all I thought about, but I had never been able to get close to her. And here, tonight, I thought to myself, I was foolish enough to think I might get to fuck her.

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