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All Night Forced Sex Part 10

Then her sexy body mounted me and my tender penis was thrust into her tight pussy and she started to ride me. I lay unable to resist as the woman used my penis. Then to my horror Megan started to rub her breasts as she rode me and waves of pain shot through me. I lost consciousness under her body and when I came to she was still riding me and I slipped away again.

An interminable time passed for me as I slipped in and out of consciousness. Finally my agony ended but I had no idea for how long I had suffered or how often Megan had came on my dishonoured body. Megan got off me and then rubbed her nipples in front of me until I passed out under her spell.

I awoke to find my hands tied. Then to my horror I realised that I was not in the therapists room but instead was outside lying in a flowerbed. I looked down and saw my dick was still erect and moaned. Worse still my balls had been painted with a bright red paint.

It took me two hideous hours of hiding and running to make it back to my block where I was able to get into a bathroom. There I was able to untie my hand. My dick was hard and it took a terrible hour under a cold shower, to soften it by which time I was in agony from my penis and balls. I had found an old towel from the wash room and pretend to have locked myself out and get a spare key to get back in.

Finally I was able to collapse on the bed and reflect on the terror I had suffered.

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