A Special Girl

The girl looked at me. " Here's your ball," she said. I took it. " Hey, you wanna come play with us?" She hesitated. I extended my hand. " I'm Steve, how are you doing?" She shook my hand. She had a strong grip. " I'm Jessica, " she said. We walked back toward my friends and I introduced them. Jessica joined us. She could run and catch a ball, alright. She was pretty impressive. Of the three of us, Mark was the best athlete. I like football just fine but I prefer wrestling. I'm on the school's wrestling team. I stand six feet four inches tall and I weigh two hundred and fifty five pounds. I've loved wrestling ever since my father took me to a match when I was around ten years old. I got into it in high school. I won first place at the state championships in my weight class last year. Back when I was a senior in high school. I didn't think I could get so worked up over a game of football but playing with the guys and Jessica had been fun. We played for half an hour, then returned to the dorms. Jessica excused herself and went her own way. I watched her go. She was...interesting.

The next day, I went to class. I had to take this writing class. I didn't know why. My major was Business Administration. I don't know what writing has to do with business. Except of course for signing contracts or something. My advisor put it in my schedule so I had to take it. Guess who sat next to me? A girl with short dark hair tucked under a Red Sox baseball cap. She wore a red shirt featuring Rob Zombie, black jeans and boots. She recognized me and smiled. We quietly greeted each other. Our teacher was this middle-aged white woman with silver-streaked black hair. She was talking about some books. I didn't really pay attention. Writing was an elective. I was a decent writer in high school. I never got lower than a "B" in my English classes. Class continued. When it ended, I headed outside. When Jessica came out, I greeted her again. Something about this girl had caught my attention. I talked to her and ended up getting her cellphone number. I smiled to myself. Things were starting to look up!

2012-06-30 by shemale lover 5,256 Views

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