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A Night Out

I was curious so I asked her if she was comfortable with me asking some questions. She smiled and said okay, what do you want to know. First I asked how long she had lived as a woman, she told me as long as she could remember. She was born with a penis but looked so feminine that as she started to grow she was dressed as a girl. Then I asked her about her sexual past and she said she had been with only a few guys and a couple girls who were curious about a girl with a real dick and not some strap on. She said she started telling the guys about her part after a real bad experience with some macho dick head who started feeling her up and found her surprise. She told me he kicked the shit out of her and left her in the middle of nowhere with ripped and torn clothes.

I still could not believe that I was looking at a real life shemale so I asked her if she was comfortable showing me her dick. She smiled as said okay but that I had to show her mine too. "Turn about if fair play" she said. I agreed but suggested she go first. She nervously started to strip off her clothes while keeping an eye on me to gauge my reaction. She had really nice tits not to small but not very big either. Just the kind you would usually see on a small petite girl.

Her body was fabulous but what I wanted to see was what was under her skirt. She asked me to unzip her and I found that I was getting really turned on. I was starting to get hard as I unzipped her skirt watching her wiggle her hips to get out of her skirt. She had an amazing ass but she kept her back to me and wearing just her thong. "Your turn" she said looking over her shoulder.

I wasn't about to stop her know so I quickly shed my clothes until I was wearing just my boxers but I wasn't hiding the fact that I had a massive hard on. She turned and faced me and said "okay at the same time?" I nodded my head and we both lowered our underwear.

She had a small dick but it looked, I don't know; cute? She looked at my hard on and licked her lips.

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