Free Stories

My Cock Dream
My name is Iris Cal. A few weeks ago, I had a dream. This is an account of that dream, with some holes and details filled in by my own fantasies. From what I remembered as I tried to write down as much of the dream as I could, I had woken up in the house in which I lived when I went to high schoo... Read full Story
Caught Out In Lingerie
I had only just started my new job in a big new department store. I had forwarded my CV almost as soon as the foundations were poured, and I watched as the big new building took shape. It was to be the biggest and most modern store in the county where I lived, and I was determined that I was go... Read full Story
My life so far
Just woke in bed wearing nothing but a pair of very sheer stockings. its about noon and last night was fun but a little rough on my clothes I can see. The stockings have a run and more then a few stains. I get up from my bed and the stockings slip gently to my ankles. I kind of like the feeling .... Read full Story
The Surrender to Femininity
That feeling was back again, I could feel it sweeping across me, engulfing and flooding all of my mind body and soul. It wasn't like last time, that was curiosity, this was something more, something deeper, more profound and tantalizing. My heart thundered, body quaked, for a moment I resisted the u... Read full Story
My Second Cock Dream
I had another dream the other night that I'd like to share with you. I'm starting to develop a nasty habit of going to bed horny so that I can see these dreams. Maybe I'm addicted. I don't care. They're some of the most arousing things to happen to me. I love waking up in a cold sweat, humping a pil... Read full Story
Becomming a Sissy Slut
Sandy's Life My name is Sandy Johnson. I chose that name 35 years ago because I like Sandy and I knew a hot female with the last name Johnson. I first remember finding my mothers underclothes in the bathroom closet. We she and my Dad would go out I could go in the bathroom and put her slip on and f... Read full Story
My Psychology Of Been A Cross-Dress
It has to be said, why this was wrote I am not sure, I am finally beginning to understand the journey I began at the age of six and perhaps doing it this way helps. It's a short narrative, that attempts to explain my thinking and the frustration of accepting who I am. This is not an erotic story;... Read full Story
Summer whoring Part 2
She kissed me with a deep wet kiss. She touched my tits through my dress and pinched on my nipples. Then she slid her finger between my already wet pussy lips. I was trembling from excitement. She asked me if I want to continue this at her place and I agreed. She took me by my hand and led me to ... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble - the internet porn quee
Bright light filled the room, waking me from my unconciousness. so bright it took a while for my eyes to focus. When they did the first site i saw was myself, in the wall sized mirror opposite me, strapped to the chair. It was me only now i had masses of long blode hair, tied up in 2 pigtails, lo... Read full Story
Subaro Surprises Me
I met Saburo in a chance encounter on a train. He is the most beautiful Japanese boi I have ever seen. Smooth, soft skin, almond eyes, impeccable dress sense and sweetly feminine but not in an obvious way. After that first, wonderful experience of making love to Saburo and becoming his “Dad... Read full Story
Came to play Part 2
I must have dozed off, when I came to I was being felt on by the janitor who I knew well, he seemed to really enjoy what had taken place, infact I dare say he has quite the soft spot for girls like me... Well anyway we chatted to ease the tension from me and we both finally got interested in fun tim... Read full Story
One night in the bathroom...
I had just recently moved into my own place and was getting warmed up to my palace.. I say palace because I never deserved such a beautiful posh lifestyle.. I'm so proud of my working skills, so I guess I deserved it.. I used my mouth you might say... I began my "job" when I first began fr... Read full Story
The Shoe Store
Adam hated working Wednesdays. He works the entire day from opening to closing every Wednesday. His manager always takes Wednesday off. This was mostly a boring day for Adam. A few women came in the store before lunch which was a disappointment for Adam. Adam is a bit of a pervert. He likes to take ... Read full Story
A couple of things you should know about me: I'm not gay; I've always had this thing for dark-skinned women. I graduated from the army at age 21 and headed home to the Bronx. Me and a buddy of mine started up a livery car service. We started with four cars. 15 years later, we had 100 cars and alm... Read full Story
Showing off
So for those of you that know me and what I like to get up to, know that I like to dress in sexy lingerie, heels and skimpy outfits. I was doing just that earlier today, just driving around some of the quiet spots that I frequent with my camera. I deceided to go somewhere new, a small industrial ... Read full Story
Force Feminized up Asshole
"Yea I thought the singing was OK but I don't really go for that style too much" "And the girls?" Brian prompted me. "Oh come on Brian leave him alone we all know he's not really interested in girls." "Give him a chance, people can change! Perhaps Carl's d... Read full Story
First BJ
I have always felt that I was a Woman born into a Man's body. Growing up I remember seeing my Mother in a girdle, garterbelt & Nylon stockings. I always felt that I wanted to wear them also. In school I watched the Girls start wearing their first bras, Nylons, garterbelts, makeup, heels etc. &am... Read full Story
How it all Began
I was in an upstate NY m4m chat room one evening when I was totally bored and again about to give up hope. Just before I clicked off I received the IM that has completely changed my life. A lil bit about me: I'm 43, 6'0, 250 and husky. There has always been a feminine side hidden deep inside me t... Read full Story
How it all Began Part 2
The week seemed to be a month long. I followed his instructions and arrived at 1pm. I had so much to do to get ready and I didn't want to be late, I yearned so bad for it. I shaved everything, showered, put on a little make-up, dressed and put on the wig last. I felt so damn sexy and horny. I did... Read full Story
I rang a masseur I had heard of and asked if he could come over tonight, as I was feeling rather tense. He said he would be over in a couple of hours. I thought, great I will have time to shower and shave. I spent ages shaving my legs, pubes, underarms and my bum. I put on plenty of moisturizer all ... Read full Story
A Sissy's Long Night
We were to meet at a hotel, the seedy kind where nobody respectable would go. I was to meet him in his room, just down the hall from mine. I was very nervous. This was my first time meeting someone like this. Usually, I knew the person before hand, and always met at private parties where other peopl... Read full Story
Wife turns me into a woman
I met her in the gym. She was a beautiful female bodybuilder who was muscular yet still feminine. Our sex life was good in the beginning but something seemed off. She was mainly interested in me going down on her. Her clit was enlarged from steroids she had taken years earlier and I found she be... Read full Story
CD meeting
It was mid-morning and a CD friend was passing through, I got a text asking if I wanted my cock sucking, well I don't need asking twice lol. I told Jo that I wouldn't be able to dress up, she said that was no problem. We were to meet in a layby on the A30 just up from Chiverton Cross, at the time th... Read full Story
A Game within a Game Part 3
A letter. Rob decided, after cooling down a bit from his anger which Jenny's visit had given him, to do a short survey on the things she had left. First he checked their bedroom, and like Jenny said, she didn't take anything of her make-up. He rummaged through her belongings and wasn't sure he wa... Read full Story
Abigail's First Time
This is the story of the first time I dressed for a man. I had been with men before, but had never been with one as a girl. I would say 95% of it is true. I tried to keep it as close to the truth as possible. I will say that the acts described actually happened, and we really did go four times. I le... Read full Story
I met Chaz online. It was to be the first time I met and dressed for a guy without my wife’s knowledge. She had stopped being into dressing me or letting me dress around her. She felt we needed to get back to “normal” play. Chaz told me he wanted me to come over in the afternoon... Read full Story
A Natural Sissy Part 7
Stacy has a bad? morning The next morning I slept in a bit. Stacy woke me by climbing onto the bed and spreading my legs as was the method prescribed for such times. Stacy was a world-class pussy eater, and I guess I have his sisters to thank for that. When my orgasm came I opened my eyes to see ... Read full Story
Catching Up
It was with mixed emotions that I listened to the message on my voice mail. It was the familiar sound of Mark, a long time friend whose call I had missed earlier that afternoon. Now as I heard it, for the third time, I felt my stomach slowly relax from the uneasy twist that had taken hold the minute... Read full Story
A Crossdressers Tale
Hi, my name is Ron. This is a story about the first time I dressed for a guy. I was off work that day. My wife was at work & my daughter was in school. I was bored and got online for for something to do. I have a yahoo screen name letting people know I'm a CD and bi. Well, this guy I've been tal... Read full Story
Army Slut
My name is Ray,16, I've always been into crossdressing as long as I can remember. Since I was about 11 or 12 if I could guess. (Started with sister's clothing) I am about 5'8, Skinny, Asian. I must say I look very cute dressed up. I would always call my self Megan When Dressed. (Little background ... Read full Story
The Making of A Sissy Part 3
Before the audience at Aunt Jane’s house, Bella cowered before the man, who gently put his hand behind her head and pressed against her soft hair as he coaxed the sweet pale complexion of her pretty face and pink lips toward his stiff and excited member. The man so wanted to slap Bella’s... Read full Story
Isn't it nice when ................
Well, here’s the thing, I’ve been so busy of late I haven’t had a chance to even think about Antonia being naughty. But next week, I’m going to be hold alone for 6 days and nights so I’ve decided to make up for some lost time. I’ve got two new pairs of shoes... Read full Story
Family Values
Dear Kit, This is the most difficult letter I’ve ever written. I only wish I had the strength to tell you what I am about to say in person, but I don’t have that kind of courage. That’s why this letter is wrapped around a video cassette. A picture is worth a thousand words. B... Read full Story
The Fanncy **Dress** Party
I went to a Priests and Prostitutes party a short while ago in South Africa and loved getting dressed up as a prostitute, it was so much fun and It made me really horny. I had to get a cab dressed up like this and we all met in a bar before hand. I was the first one to arrive at the bar which was... Read full Story
First time
I was the only boy in my family. Tall, slender, and somewhat effeminate. Many said I looked like my mother, who I adored. As a youngster, I longed to dress like my sisters, who wore such pretty things. One day, when I was alone, I snuck into my sister's room and admired all of her pretty things. On ... Read full Story
Danny to Danielle
It started out as a lark, my girlfriend told me I was too aggressive and needed therapy. I never figured it would turn me into the most wondrous version of myself. One day I flew off the handle about something minor, the house needed vacuuming, and Sara said, “That’s IT! You go to the... Read full Story
Black Cock & Birthday Presents Chapter 2
The size of him got me nervous and he could tell. He placed his massive hand on my stomach to hold me still and used the other to guide himself to my pussy. The tip was slightly opening me when he stopped to stare. "Sandy, you keep your eyes on my eyes. Don't turn them away." It took... Read full Story
I was applying lipstick when the doorknob turned and my heart jumped. Mom was shopping and not due back for a few hours! I looked in the mirror in time to see the door swing open and reveal mom standing there. Her face shocked! I was wearing her panties, bra, garter belt and nylons. A lacey slip ove... Read full Story
Caught III
In I & II I was caught dressing by Mum and sent to Aunt Teresa for adjudication. Within minutes of Teresa leaving for church and her meeting, I was dolled up and putting on my face. I was parading about the living room, dreaming of men trying to hit on me, when I heard, "Well, well, well&qu... Read full Story
Female For A Day?
I have always been obsessed with boobs. I like them all but especially big ones. I stare at them in the grocery store and of course have an extensive collection of pics from the internet. Lately, I have even been thinking about what it would be like to have a big set myself. I'm a guy don't get me w... Read full Story
A Turkish Delight Part 4
The Vice Regal Ball was winding up as I made my way back to the main ballroom and to where Anwar stood smoking his cigar and looking to see where his new toy had disappeared too. As I approached him I knew that I was in trouble as he stood with a steel stare as I made my way to him. I hoped that he ... Read full Story
Auntie and I
Auntie Teresa invited her friend Jean, from the beauty parlor to come over to help me remove my body hair. Jean specialized in waxing and Auntie told me it would hurt a little but that real beauty was worth a little pain. I complained and squirmed but Auntie told me it was necessary unless I wanted ... Read full Story
My First Gangbang
For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed wearing women's clothing. When I was in fifth grade, I started wearing pantyhose under my pants during the winter. By the time I was going into the seventh grade, I had learned that, not only did I enjoy wearing pantyhose, I also liked playing wit... Read full Story
Aunties friend Jean, the esthetician, relaxed me with hot soaks in water and soothing bath oils, nice soft music and a mothers little helper. She used the "hard wax" method on me from my waist down (except my little package). Jean was very skillful and that first day I became totally hairl... Read full Story
TV/CD adventures - going for ice, remember ID
It's amazing what high heels, wig, makeup, nylons, mini, etc can do for ya when going out in public. Couple months ago I got me a room at Imperial Palace on the strip and I think the front desk caught on I was using the room for casual sex. I put up an ad on craigslist and gave out the room numbe... Read full Story
The GloryHole
One evening,I was feeling realy horny,so I got dressed to go to the local adult x store.wearing nothing than a strapless black lace corset,no panties,short mini skirt,and a pair of thigh high boots.and went with a short blonde wig.well walking thru the door,I turn to the left wear the door stood to ... Read full Story
Preparing for date fuck
When ever I had a date with a guy,who would end up fucking me.First I would take along hot bath,shaving my legs,arms,chest,and face.squirt some babyoil into the water,making my skin real soft.then I would use my fem wash bottle,and clean myself out realy good.I would then pull out my dildo's,and wou... Read full Story
Caught y my roomate
Long time ago I helping a friend out,by leting him move in my house,which I owne.we had sex before,but that was before he new about my lifestyle.well he took off one weeknd,leaving me to have the house fore I decided to get all dressed up,and hook up a guy that night.I was sitting at the e... Read full Story
The wonderful feeling of a sissy penetration
Nothing like that initial penetration is soo wonderful however there is so much more for me. just knowing that i intend to give myself to him submitting to his Big Hard Man Cock is a turn on. He wants me ready for him so he can show me his love and make me his girl. The act of preparation, the do... Read full Story
Dear Karen Chapter 4
#4 05.18.09 Dear Karen, You helped me explore the fantastic feelings that breasts can produce when properly handled and I yearned to replicate the feelings that you elicited from my tits. So, since my last letter I have been training BJ to be the consummate breast lover. I have coached him in ... Read full Story
Debo And The Gang
I chose a bright red lipstick like the whores wear. I began to apply my make up generously I really wanted to get that slut look that I see every night in the streets. Plenty of foundation, thick mascara and bright red lipstick to match my nails. I began to dry my hair (I keep it long) applied so... Read full Story
I closed my eyes. I knew what I wanted to say, but was unsure I could get the words out. The silence on the other end of the phone began to become chilling. Finally, incredibly patronizing, "You wanted to make another tape of me dominating the hell out of you, didn't you Steven!" "... Read full Story
My biggest ever-scary, but rue!
Since I'm pretty much sub, I don’t really ever say no, but maybe sometimes I should? I got an IM from a guy on a hookup site I sometimes visit and after a little bit of chit chat about the weather and what sorts of music etc we liked, he invited me to his place for an afternoon of fun. I'm usu... Read full Story
Yellow Polka Dot Bikini(s)
"She was afraid to come out of the locker. She was as nervous as she could be. She was afraid to come out of the locker. She was afraid that somebody would see. Two, three, four, tell the people what she wore. It was an itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini that she wore for the ... Read full Story
The Developing of Emma Part 6
As the weeks went by, Emma was subjected to many rituals before a crowd of masked leering males. Each day she was kept caged and plugged; her dosage of pills never forgotten. Each day Emma felt more and more feminine; one morning Elaine had her stripped naked except for cage and plug, and led her be... Read full Story
T Is for Teresa
Transgender-themed stories which I hope will be of interest to those who like women, or would like to be a woman. Which includes me! It was when I was still living at home, or at least staying there in the college holidays, that Mum came home and found me and Jack Horton lying on the living room ... Read full Story