Free Stories

My Dominant Sissy
With the news that one of our largest customers, a clothing company that specialized in apparel for the black urban hip hop scene, was considering going with a marketing firm that was more in touch with there target market, Anthony and I were chosen to go and try to save the account. I had worked my... Read full Story
Belle Donne Italiane Chapter 2
SIX MONTHS LATER Since Tommy's retirement from the force and emergence as Tina, a lot of wonderful things have happened. First and foremost, the guy who slashed Tina was sentenced to life for attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Tina has fully recovered from her wounds, and al... Read full Story
My Clipped Cock
Technically, right now I am an "It." A few weeks ago I was a "He." In another few weeks I will be a "She." The adventure is a celebration for me. I am doing everything right, and sensually documenting and sharing the adventure with my very-supportive and very-erotic fri... Read full Story
Every weekend Christina and I went to the clubs and partied our asses off. Always dressing in our tightest, sexiest clothes, makeup, nails and hair done perfectly. Not to ring my own bell but we were hotties! Dozens of men a week offering us free drinks and a good time. And every week we had a diffe... Read full Story
The Fanncy **Dress** Party
I went to a Priests and Prostitutes party a short while ago in South Africa and loved getting dressed up as a prostitute, it was so much fun and It made me really horny. I had to get a cab dressed up like this and we all met in a bar before hand. I was the first one to arrive at the bar which was... Read full Story
A Rare Treat
It was late. No one else was around. She could feel her pussy getting hot before she even put the movie in the DVD player. It was a lesbian flick, no plot, just hardcore girl-fucking. Justine always loved watching women fuck each other. Perhaps it was because she could never do it just like they cou... Read full Story
Fantasy Becomes Real
Jason's mind races at how he had met this person and they had said they had fallen in love with him. When things got deeper and they found out his special interest, well things got different. He got the life he wanted in many ways but in some if changed for the worst. She found out he was a cross... Read full Story
Gali's Surprise Package
Chapter One Gali sat in the front row of John's class with her legs crossed, raising her skirt and revealing her garter. She had sat there since the start of a new school year, and it was her seat for the rest of the year. She'd taken Beginning English Literature from him last year, and she was a... Read full Story
Caught and Submission Chapter 3
It was several weeks after being made to service all of our friends through a glory hole at a party. Alex kept me busy sucking his cock whenever he wanted it, usually it was early in the morning before he left for class. Alex would wake me up by placing his hard cock on my face, I was resigned to my... Read full Story
"Not MY Type?"
I’d known Kelly for most of my life. Growing up I spent most of my time at her mother’s house. It was a way to escape and avoid my parents constant arguing and fighting. It was a pretty well established fact that Kelly was lesbian early in Junior High School. Her mom and I became quite c... Read full Story
An afternoon at the Mall
If you read my story "Sandy Comes to Visit Me" you will know that I finally was able to meet my friend Sandy, who was in town for a business meeting. You will recall that I had just graduated from the University and happily living as a woman, even though I still have my boy parts. You will... Read full Story
After the mall
If you read my stories you will know that I finally was able to meet my friend who, to protect her identity, I called Sandy. Actually I must confess--Sandy's real name is Sally. I met Sally here and have gone absolutely crazy for her. Sally is an incredibly gorgeous girl about my age, a stunning tal... Read full Story
SissyRayG at the Roadside Reststop......
Last year I was traveling by car on business between Saskatoon and Regina, Canada. I was looking for a roadside rest area to use the washroom. I had all my sexy lingerie with me and hadn't had a chance to wear it for days as had been way to busy at work. I saw the roadside rest area I was looking... Read full Story
The fuck of his life
This story was inspired by a message from cigardad4dad. I hope all who read this enjoy. And as always keep the comments and suggestions cumming. Eddie is a small but well toned man in his mid-thirties. He never had any luck with the ladys however. So one nite he decided to go around town looking ... Read full Story
The GloryHole
One evening,I was feeling realy horny,so I got dressed to go to the local adult x store.wearing nothing than a strapless black lace corset,no panties,short mini skirt,and a pair of thigh high boots.and went with a short blonde wig.well walking thru the door,I turn to the left wear the door stood to ... Read full Story
Dawn's Diary
My name is Donald. I am a single businessman in a small northern California town where I am well known. I am 30 years old and six feet tall. My hair is sandy blonde. I am fairly slight of build and thought of myself as the 90-pound weakling shown in bodybuilding ads when I was younger. However, I am... Read full Story
Dawn's Orgy
Dawn always tried to invite new exciting guests to her annual orgy. One year she invited beautiful transvestites. Another time she invited female body builders. Over the years, she provided male and female strippers, drag queens and porn stars. This year topped them all. Nobody spiced up the gatheri... Read full Story
You Keep Them (You’ve Earned Them)
"Stretch, two, three, four" the television commanded. "Up, two, three, four; down, two, three, four," relentlessly. I tried hard to follow. The alarm had gone at seven thirty and I'd been to the bathroom then come back for the work-out. But this one seemed to be designed for p... Read full Story
Devoted to Pleasure
Waking to the diffused sunlight pouring into her bedroom window, Kelly snuggled against the cool body of her girlfriend Janice. The air in the room was already beginning to warm from the onset of day, but for some reason Janice always seemed cool to the touch. Kelly had always loved that about her. ... Read full Story
Afternoon Delight Chapter 3
When we got to the cottage, the girls stripped me of my jewelry and took theirs off and poured me into the shower. They washed the cum off of me and got me hard again. Damn, Ally and Carmen were all over my cock, giving me a work out. Needless to say, I came a few more times, and we got into the hot... Read full Story
One Great Halloween
I was 18 and I was alone at home for the last week of October and the first week of November. I had dressed up in women's clothes before, just sitting around the house with nothing else to do. So when my friend George called me Halloween day to invite me to a Halloween party, I said id go with him s... Read full Story
Sandy TS
The first part of this story is true. Having found myself on an online dating service, I was only looking for women to meet. Little did I realise that would include a lovely Pre-op, called Sandy TS. After seeing the photos, I was captivated and started to dream about her.......I hope that you will a... Read full Story
Domination Fantasy
I wake out of a daze to feel water running down my body. I am somehow naked and i dont remember going into the locker room shower or taking my clothes off. The last thing I remember is meeting this beautiful girl named Crystal at the game and her getting my drink from the concession stand. "... Read full Story
Brian Becomes Brittney
My name Is Brian or at least it was the first 18 years of my life. Brittney is my new name.... All of this started when I was just out of high school. It was the beginning of the summer and I was feeling great. During the summer I was planning to do a study abroad program for a year before colleg... Read full Story
Brianne Rides Again Chapter 2
Part II: The Rest Stop As I debated on whether or not to go home or continue the night as a cross dresser on the hunt for a good fucking, I couldn't help but let the lust get the better of me. I once again climbed out of my car and walked along the long line of semi's parked in a row. I walked by... Read full Story
Alex to Alice Chapter 2
Alex felt disoriented for a moment and wondered if what had happened the night before was just a dream. But then it faded like distant smoke and Alice wondered who was this Alex? Perhaps, he was merely a distant dream from the night before? She fully awoke and stretched out in her cage. Carefully sh... Read full Story
Jasmine cuckolds me
Hello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extreme... Read full Story
In Hose and Heels for Daddy
It was shortly after my 14th birthday when I made the decision to seduce my Daddy. I mean, all of my girlfriends were having naked fun with their daddies. I didn't wanna be left out ;-) After all, me and my BFF, Ashley, had been getting naked and having fun with her daddy for 2 whole years now...and... Read full Story
A crazy night
I soon as i got my Dl (16)i would always leave on the weekends my house. I got out of a late movie and i started to drive to a friends house. I was waiting at the corner light when see two sexy ladies standing outside. they saw me stairing at them and one of them winked at me and waved. I parked my ... Read full Story
All Woman
Michelle brings me to her favorite party Dungeon. Women and men and those of gender undetermined are all in various states of undress; lots of leather, tattoos and piercings are visible. There are those who are strapped to cuffs, being whipped; nipples, cocks and clits being tortured between session... Read full Story
Kelly's second cock
It was a usual boring Saturday. I spent the afternoon watching tranny porn. Watching those sluts getting fucked and sucking cock got me really turned on. I knew that I had to join them, to have a man in my mouth. I was so fucking horny, I just knew that I was going to be a good little slut tonight. ... Read full Story
Unexpected payback
Tanja woke up from the muffled moaning at the end of her bed. She lazily stretched her muscles stroked a hand through her long blond hair and examined herself. Hmmmm she moaned she had fallen asleep wearing the clothes she wore last night: Thighigh leather boots, leather skirt, leather bustier and o... Read full Story
Don/Dawn of the Dead Chapter 2
I really like these white thigh highs I have on today. Coupled with the tall red pumps, the plaid little school girl skirt and the rest of it... I look hot. As I stand and shop, I stop to raise one leg and rub it long and slow against the other one, feeling the wonderful fabrics slide together acros... Read full Story
Danni loves Tommy...
Tommy was sitting in the bar for at least an hour when she finally arrived, she sat down next to him kissed his cheek, patted his leg and offered him her hand. He looked away as if someone had offended him and he was trying to avoid hitting them his veins popping out of his neck. She nuzzled up agai... Read full Story
Xdresser Housewife Roxys daily chores
Well the best fuck I've ever had and continue to have all started when we intalled a pool in our back yard .Once the pool was in the pool shop sent over a young guy to set up the pump and show us how to use it ,as it was a Saturday my wife was home and she was in a bikini looking very hot. Well in w... Read full Story
Becoming Aphrodite
My wife and I have been married for 10 years. She is a beautiful brunette of 5'8" and 120 pounds. With her long hair and her cute and innocent face, she looks a lot like the porn star Cheyenne Silver. I would dare to say she's even prettier: her extraordinary green eyes are totally unforgettabl... Read full Story
Flying Together
This is what I'm daydreaming about . . . I board the plane, figuring that I'm going to have a boring couple of hours on the flight back home after a nice and much-needed vacation. I'm headed back to work on a plane which will undoubtedly have a combination of small seats and large passengers. I g... Read full Story
Dressed for Success
I’ve been a professional wrestler for about two years now. And no you haven’t seen me on TV I’m not that good yet. I wrestle in the Ohio Valley Training Center. That’s were all of us kids go to train for the big shows. RAW or SMACKDOWN. One of the things I enjoy most about... Read full Story
Free Shoes
"Lift your leg up on the sink and pull your panties down again. I like to watch you submit," the voice behind me commands. I didn't intend to go this far. It was supposed to be harmless fun. But as my throbbing cockhead rests against the cold of this stranger's bathroom sink and I can see ... Read full Story
Fun With Friends Chapter 2
After Becca said that, my eyes moved across to Greg's face, unsure of what to expect. I didn't know if he was going to be angry that his girlfriend had tricked him into thinking that it was her stripper friend Davina that had been giving him a lap dance and a blowjob before revealing at the last... Read full Story
Anna, Ted & She Male (Carley)
Returning from Anna's class reunion, both Ted and Anna were pleased with their adventures. Anna was able to again experience something really hard and full between her legs and Ted was able to again perform as he did a couple of years ago after being turned on seeing his loving wife with two other m... Read full Story
Annoying Roommate
My name is Mike I'm 24 years old right out of college entering the workforce as a entry level pharmacist. I'm about 6'2 about 180 but being so busy studying for the past few years my body is a bit soft. I always have been bad with women, I'm what you call the typical nerd/geek/loser. I live in a sma... Read full Story
Watching too much porn
It’s another night at home alone. You get that aching again so you go to put on your favorite video. You just love big asses and big titties. The video starts and you see the gorgeous blond strutting in wearing her 5 inch heels, incredibly short skirt that is flashing her skinny red thong, ... Read full Story
A Threesome to Remember - 2 CD's
Since I was a young man I was always curious to find out what it would feel like to get fucked by a hard cock while sucking on a cock. It wasn't until I was 20 that I really started to take the steps to make that fantasy a reality. At 20 I had my first gay experience, I got my cock sucked by one of ... Read full Story
Brian Becomes Brittney Chapter 1
My name Is Brian or at least it was the first 18 years of my life. Brittney is my new name.... All of this started when I was just out of high school. It was the beginning of the summer and I was feeling great. During the summer I was planning to do a study abroad program for a year before colle... Read full Story
A Love of My Very Own
In the eyes of the world, I am many things. She-male. Tranny. Chick with dick. Those are the names they've got for me. What do I call myself? I call myself Angela Shay. Anyone looking at me would see a five-foot-nine, curvy Black woman in her mid-thirties with a nice rack, wide hips and a big round ... Read full Story
Fooled by the Wrapping
It has been about 8 months now since my husband left me. No big blowup, or much arguing. He admitted he had been having an affair his third. I admitted that I had spent an evening with a young man. He had a long talk, and agreed to move out, we could live our separate lives. I kept the house, he agr... Read full Story
For my Tgal Mistress
If one night You don't feel sl**py, that's the kind of thing i could do to help You with that: You'd be laying on Your bed, in pyjamas, ready for bed, but not sl**p. i would take Your pants off. First i'd put Your still soft cock in my mouth, feeling it grow bigger on my tongue and sucking it deep... Read full Story
Such a whore
I finnaly made this happen a few days ago ! i have been crossdressing for as long as i can remember.I still remember when i snathed a pair of my cousins panties when i was young i dont know theres is just something about womens clothes that just intrigies me . Any way growing up i always masterbate... Read full Story
Marceyah and My Wifes Favorite Things
There are two things my wife Cindy and I absolutely get off on when we're really horny. The first thing is I love to suck cock and she loves to watch. The more the other guy and I are into it the better. The second thing we love is, after I'm done with the other guy and he's completely spent, I ... Read full Story
For my Tgal Mistress
If one night You don't feel sl**py, that's the kind of thing i could do to help You with that: You'd be laying on Your bed, in pyjamas, ready for bed, but not sl**p. i would take Your pants off. First i'd put Your still soft cock in my mouth, feeling it grow bigger on my tongue and sucking it deep... Read full Story
Fantasy cums true
I was on a business trip staying in a nice Hotel. After a business meeting in my room I called down for room service. The maid came up a few minutes later and I let her in. She was stunning, 5' tall with black hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Under her uniform you could tell she was very w... Read full Story
T girl at the bus stop
The radio was loud and the top was down when I first saw her. She looked so beautiful sitting there at the bus stop.I remember her legs, they were long and tan and clad in silky smooth thigh highs. Her skirt shifted when she crossed her legs and I could see the garters clinging to her tan skin. S... Read full Story
Sales Training
Gary Michaels had been very successful in heating system sales during his first five years with his company, however the past two years had been very disappointing. So disappointing, in fact, that he had been called on the carpet and told to begin producing or else find another job. Gary really like... Read full Story
My brother caught me crossdressing
It all happened 3and a half years ago.I started secretly crossdressing about an half a year before.One day my parents went out and told me that they will be late,and my b*****r was staying at his friends house (he was 17 back there and i was 14).As soon as they left the house i ran down to my mom's ... Read full Story
Lucy change chapter 3
It was late enough when we got out of the shower, almost 4pm. I dried myself quite quickly, as I always do, and lay out on the bed to ‘air out’. Lucy, having shorter hair, was quite quick drying as well, though she spent longer walking around the apartment looking for this or that. I was glad of the... Read full Story