Free Stories

What I do best
I lick my lips and taste the gorgeous deep red lipstick applied so carefully; I glance at my image reflected in the minicab windows and gaze at the evening revellers as they make their way to the clubs and bars in London’s West End. I am amazed that here I am dressed as a complete slut in an o... Read full Story
The club
The smell of rubber and latex and the combination of the strobe lighting was overpowering, the techno sound of the club just added to the already intoxicated atmosphere of the place. The club was a frenzy of half naked, latexed, rubberised bodies covered in sweat dancing to the frenzied sound of tec... Read full Story
Porn shop slut
I walked into the booth excited to use my new toy, while dressed in garters and sexy panties under my loose fitting jeans. I had just purchased a lovely new butt plug and could not wait to try it out on my pretend pussy. Taking my jeans down I deposited a token into the slot and got out my lube and... Read full Story
New boyfriend and first sex with him
Turns out the guy I sucked in the faculty (college) toilet actually suspected I was a trans and that turns him on. And not only he's into trans he also told me he loves BDSM. I don't have to tell you how great this is, but let's start at the beginning. The other day after the "toilet inciden... Read full Story
An Eyeful
“Mom you don’t understand and I can’t talk about it, but trust me it’s something that can’t be helped,” Erica explained to her mother. “Honey you’re not being very understanding.” Erica just rolled her eyes and pulled the phone away from he... Read full Story
My friend Pete
When I was 15 my friend Pete and I used to race around on our bikes nicking porn mags from corner shops. We used to take them to the local park and read through them with our cocks straining at our school shorts. As time went on we started to take turns going behind a bush or into the toilet an... Read full Story
Ann was the woman who gave away free samples in the supermarket where I was manager, and as often as we could, the employees could find us sitting in my office, smoking, laughing and talking. Ann had a way of smoking a cigarette that drove me insane with sexual desire. Inhaling, her lips were pucker... Read full Story
The weekend came fast and Miss Tranny Feet wanted to meet the man that had been sending her stories for weeks now. Each story had gotten more and more intense and now when she saw his name on the post, visions of long hours of touching her long slender legs worked her up into a rubbing frenzy. Sh... Read full Story
Ann Part 2
The next work day, that evening as I walk up to my townhouse, Ann is sitting on the porch and tells me, “Since you didn’t call I thought I’d come by, I was in the area anyway.” Even though I’d been with her the night before, I have to laugh and Ann asks, “So wh... Read full Story
Job Description
My life changed recently and I’m still trying to figure out if it’s for the better. My name is Don and I’m 18 years old and fresh out of high school. My grades weren’t good enough to get me a scholarship and my parents make too much money to qualify for government money. So a... Read full Story
How I Became a 'SHAMAN
Every one is programed by society to play a certian role in life,that they are taught is reality,how ever, the truth is reality is what ever you want to make it! this is what magic is all about,making your own reality. I played the manly role in life for fourty-four years until I realized this,and b... Read full Story
My Girlfriend's Friend Shayla
I walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, w... Read full Story
Practically gang at a sex club!
About 6 months ago I went to my local sex club in Sydney. It was only about 8pm and not much usually is going on at that time. On the 2nd story there is called the "Orgy Room" a place where people go and sit on the bed with no locked door and it's just first cum first served. I stuc... Read full Story
Painted Laddie for Mr. R
Gabe had had many strange photography assignments for the eccentric, but very rich Mr. R, an avid collector or erotica, but this was perhaps the most challenging. The money was better than good, however, and when he’d put a little thought into it, Gabe saw little problem in the execution of th... Read full Story
The invitation
The envelope was waiting on the mat when Jack and Sally got home from college to the small house they shared in North London. Sally scooped it and what was obviously yet another bill up from the floor and plonked them down on the table in the hall as she shrugged off her coat. The young pair were se... Read full Story
The Vet
I had a sick cat and was really lucky when I was able to squeeze in an appointment with the vet right at the end of the day. I knew that I was pushing it but because I was so desperate to have her looked at after work, I begged on the phone and the receptionist checked with the vet who let me have a... Read full Story
The Picnic
Going for a picnic was not my idea of fun. I was not a miserable person and liked being outdoors but the idea of eating on the ground where there would be ants and flies and thing like that did not fill me with joy. However, my boyfriend had promised me that it would be fun and so I took his word fo... Read full Story
A Trannie takes her first big black cock
Sitting on the lounge at my local sex club I was watching the guys go by. You get to notice certain guys going past trying not to look like they are checking you out on the sly (and vice versa) thinking how they can approach me. Normally it’s just the usual crowd of guys but several weeks a... Read full Story
The Mood
Somehow the mood was just right. Curling up in bed with my loved one was always something which I liked to do but there was not always time to be close. This morning was different. This morning neither of us had anything to get up for and we had both had an early night. I did not feel guilty abou... Read full Story
I finally take the plunge
I'd been crossdressing for a few months at this point but I'd never gone outside while dressed in women's clothing. I'd been to the shops once, wearing one of my outfits under my normal male clothes; that's the closest I've ever been but even that gave me an intense thrill. Even under a fairly loose... Read full Story
First time in Bangkok
If you have read my story about the first time I was with a TS girl then you know my experience was limited to just a few times. So about 4 years ago I went to Thailand to visit my buddy who was working there in a high profile job with the Thai government. We stayed in his apartment on the 40th floo... Read full Story
Tranny Surprise
When I left my high school, I decided to go on a gap year and travel the world to see lots of interesting people and ways of life. My first stop was Thailand which was great and I had so much fun partying with my friends as around 5 of us went on the trip. After Thailand the next stop was in Braz... Read full Story
Gina's and Michael's Night Out, Part 1
Today we're publishing the first part of another lovely story written by our reputable forum member Ila. I believe You'll love it too and reading it will surely make you horny! Come back soon for the continuation of the story. ;) Gina stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel. She quickly dried... Read full Story
Gina's and Michael's Night Out, Part 3
Rachael started first. She lowered her luscious lips onto Gina’s pussy and began eating her again. Michael took Rachael’s ladycock into his mouth and slowly started licking and sucking along her entire length. At the same time Gina took Michael into her mouth. Michael was thoroughly enjo... Read full Story
The Balcony
Story written by ila. I maneuvered my car through the heavy traffic of west London. I was on my way to see Keliana, the love of my life and the most beautiful woman in the world. Work had kept Keliana and I away from each other for the last two weeks. Longing to see my darling lent urgency to my ... Read full Story
Suck like no other
This is a guest post from our reader, Richard In Houston. He met a beautiful young lady, Terry, who taught him to "suck like no other". An awesome shemale story to read, if You ask me! I was separated from my first wife the first time it ever happened to me. We had only been separated f... Read full Story
Jenny, my dental nurse
Today our dear reader Marc tells us a story about how he met his first and the only transsexual lady in life. Way back in 1988 I was a poor student in New Zealand, my first year at Auckland Uni and going it alone in terms of study fees and books. I had a bad toothache and couldn't really afford t... Read full Story
A succulent shemale cock in my mouth
Not only the readers of our ladyboy blog love jerking off to our shemale sex stories, some of them are also willing to share. A guy named Steve was always curious about how a shemale cock would taste in his mouth and he just had to let it all out. TFS, Steve. I have always wanted to know what it ... Read full Story
True story about a ladyboy first timer fucking her customer's as
Those of You that dream about having a beautiful Asian ladyboy fuck your ass will certainly love this naughty story posted by our reader Tommy where he got his asshole violated by a cute ladyboy. Did I mention that she was a first timer and Tommy was her first customer? Hi, me again with anothe... Read full Story
My First Shemale Sex
Another lovely short shemale story from our forum member, this time from a guy who calls himself "I Fucked A Shemale" I was at my best friends house a couple of years ago. I was maybe 18 i believe. His step mom was there. Well his new step mom that his dad just married like a few days b... Read full Story
I think of myself as resolutely straight. I look at a lot of porn although I have plenty of girls to fuck. Steven, an old college buddy, dropped by and proposed that we go to a shemale bar that night. I was shocked and refused. But Steven retorted that if I was sure about my sexuality, I should have... Read full Story
Road trip in India
Well as it happened i had to go out of town for some work and since i was travelling alone in my car i carried my bra n panty with me. i had to go to delhi and i got free around 9 pm and i started the drive back to my place abt 3-4 hrs drive on the way ii stopped on the out skirts of Delhi on a dark... Read full Story
Office Fun
He had worked in the office for just over 6 months, and couldn’t stand the job. It was tedious data analysis type work which bored the hell out of him, and he had to do it eight hours a day, five days a week. The only thing that got him through his long days was Marcia. Marcia was a stunning w... Read full Story
Good hardcore fuck with a shemale from Vancouver
Our reader Tommy writes about one of his adventures with a shemale. Sure, it turned out to be not as romantic, but, as he says, nevertheless it was a good hardcore fuck! Thanks to him for this great story. One night on biz in Vancouver I saw some adverts in the paper for shemales and got hot and ... Read full Story
Shemale girlfriend
This true life story was posted at our forum by a new member bigbell609. Although it is a pity that he couldn't be with Kristin anymore, his first experience with his TS GF was very remarkable and romantic. Who of us wouldn't love to be in his place... I've been married for a few years now. My wi... Read full Story
Lakeside Awakening
If anyone had told the way I’d meet my soul mate a few years ago, I never would have believed it. It was my senior year of high school and I had recently gotten out of yet another bad relationship with a girl. Lina had been a pretty, chubby blonde with a nice personality but a nasty temper. We... Read full Story
Thai ladyboy Jenifer
Another wonderful story posted by our reader Jason... I have experience with Thai ladyboys and Phillipino lady boys. The one Thai ladyboy that left the most impression on me is Jenifer. She is a bit big on size for a ladyboy, but her gentle demeanour sure make all for her size. The first time ... Read full Story
Emily and Jane
I'm very proud and happy to publish another jewel today, a story about two shemales from 26-th century, Emily and Jane. Props for this truly delightful story to our forum member, Ila. Excellent work bro! It is the 26th century. Human genetics has advanced to the point where anyone born male or fe... Read full Story
It's a cold, windy, and snowy evening
Another work of art of a shemale lover. Props for this wonderful romantic story go to our forum member Ila. It's a cold, windy, and snowy evening. My lady and I are in the bathtub together. The water is still very warm and the scent of bubble bath still lingers in the air. I have just bathed her ... Read full Story
Thinking about shecock
This Ode to shecock was posted at our forum by a great guy Ila. It pretty much sums up the feelings of all ladyboy lovers and I can't think of better words to express love for shemale cock, he already brought it to perfection. ;) I think about having a shecock in me just as often as I think about... Read full Story
Jane from Guess Bar
Again an awesome reader submitted story. One of our lucky readers says he had a great fuck with Ladyboy Jane. Was in BKK in Oct 07 looking for love in all the wrong places. In particular one sexy cum kitten called Jane from Guess bar, Sukhumvit soi 1. When i arrived i found a complex of beer bars... Read full Story
I recently visited a shemale
I recently visited a shemale. She had the most fantastic body and a very thick cock of about 7". But most impressive was her lovely brown asshole. Once I sucked her cock to hardness I just had to rim her for all I was worth. She could contract and dialate her anus as my tounge licked and prodde... Read full Story
My first pre-op story
I started becoming interested in transsexuals a couple years ago, when I ran across some websites where I found some crossdressers attractive. I was 19 at the time. This led me to picking up Transformation magazine, a magazine more for the TG community, but they featured some really got centerfolds ... Read full Story
Party with my best friend
To continue the topic of shemales fucking girls, I am publishing this awesome story of a young girl getting fucked by her high school friend! Enjoy reading! My name is Cindy, and I am 18 years old. I have blonde hair and brown eyes, and boys think I am very sexy and attractive. But the story I am... Read full Story
My black shemale fucking me
My dear guests, I can't deny the fact that I enjoy reading Your comments more and more. Here is what a guy that goes by nick EbonyTSLover writes about the way his black shemale lover Mary with a huge 10.5 inch cock dominates and fucks the hell out of him. I've had Mary's very large black cock so ... Read full Story
Once a Slut Always a Slut
I held my breath – and then I knew I had crossed a line – I had become by my submission, in that instant of time, another individual. I had known Paul Phillips since I had arrived at the local school in the village some 6 years before. We had moved on together to the grammar school in... Read full Story
Another time Another Place Finale
A taxi was waiting outside. I was ushered by Richard towards the rear door and he hissed, “Don’t forget you are a girl now Charlotte and you should have been taught how to get into a taxi” In a haze of nervousness I did as I had been told. I tried to follow Renata’s instructi... Read full Story
Shemale cum in my pussy
Being a girl and only fucking me, I wondered what it was like to be with another girl. I am attracted to girls but the problem is that I really like the way that a cock makes me feel, especially when it fills my pussy with cum! The bigger the better! While sharing this dilemma with a friend she sugg... Read full Story
Very Clean Bad Boys
This weekend, I got myself set up with a little garden in the courtyard-style patio of my new apartment. And while I was getting everything repotted and boxed and hung, I learned to my chagrin that it’s quite possible to work up a sweat even in a 4 x 4 space. So by the time I was even halfw... Read full Story
Finally, My First Tranny!!!
I just came out of the doctor's office in downtown Philly from my 3 month check-up. I was pretty horney since my doctor is a female and I had a complete physical so she and her nurse were in the room with me. I got to the train station to go back to Willow Grove and was standing on the platform when... Read full Story
The Man of Her Dreams
Rita was often alone. She found it very difficult to have relationships with anyone, even just on a friend level. Being a shemale meant that she had faced ridicule a lot of her life and she sometimes found it easier to just shut herself away, She had been in relationships in the past, but the men sh... Read full Story
The Unexpected Pleasure
Sally and her friend Caroline were lesbians and often went out for evenings together. They were close and tended to spend the night with each other if neither of them had found any one else by the end of the evening. They were both looking for something a little more than their friendship and closen... Read full Story
Amanda at Transcend in Sydney
I just love the tgirls in Australia, at least the ones I know, they are all unique in their own way and very very sexy... Amanda at Transcend is one of my favourites...this is a story about a visit with Amanda last year... I had not seen her in a while but as I was in Sydney for work I decided to pa... Read full Story
A TV in the Shoe Store
I work at a ladies shoe store at a large metropolitan mall. My name is Jillian, though my friends all call me Jilly. Those same friends also say that I am blessed with a beautiful face, and an athletic body! Pretty heady for a 30 year old woman whose ideas of athletics never got beyond sports i... Read full Story
Bike time and BekkaCD
Well it was a warm July evening last year during Muskegon Bike time. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy from the few drinks that i had earlier in the day. I had chose to post a ad on craigslist seeking a couple harley riders that would be into having some fun with a gurl such as myself.Well to my surp... Read full Story
Kits Adventures in the North
**Crossdress Story** It had been about six months since I'd had any chance to dress, any chance to feel sexy and been even longer since I had any kind of sexual contact. Work tends to do that; gets in the way and screws about with "me" time. Luckily, though, it was only a temporary job... Read full Story